20th of July 2017

Published by Marketoonist See original article

brand love

Marketing is full of myths, anecdotes, and long-held beliefs of what drives growth. I think part of our job as marketers is to continually question these assumptions.

It’s easy for marketers to get entranced by the idea that consumers will fall in love with our brands. Former Saatchi & Saatchi CEO Kevin Roberts coined the term “Lovemark” in 2005 and popularized the idea that the aim of marketing was to cultivate “loyalty beyond reason.”

This idea continues to drive marketing strategy, despite the lack of evidence to back it up. Marketers frequently exaggerate the importance of their brands in consumers’ lives. As Byron Sharp has researched, consumers tend to be loyal to a repertoire of brands and “loyalty is often more a function of habit, familiarity and lack of caring rather than unbound devotion.”

Read the full article on Marketoonist.


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