23rd of January 2017

Published by Brand Traction See original article

“Science bitches”. Art vs. science and marketing in a post truth world.

The role of marketing science.

Is marketing an art or a science? Is marketing science actually a thing? In a post truth, fake news world, unsurprisingly the debate about the science of marketing rages on.

Marie Oldham made an impassioned argument as to why Byron Sharp may not always be right in Campaign last week.

In a slightly out of character, pro Byron and somewhat conciliatory piece, Mark Ritson came to his defence in Marketing Week.

So far, so much fun. Both opinions are worth reading and digesting. I’m not picking a fight with any of these people. But as usual it’s the comments thread that reveals the most. Mark’s argument was that by bringing the science back to marketing, Byron is doing our discipline a deeply fundamental and important service.


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