Dr Ella Ward

Senior Marketing Scientist

Ella’s primary field of research is Distinctive Assets and brand identity. Specifically, her focus is on the competitive context of brand identity elements and the value of unique assets for brand recognition and retrieval from memory.

Ella has extensive practical experience in Distinctive Asset measurement. She has been involved in a number of projects globally, covering a wide range of product categories particularly for consumer goods brands. Ella was awarded the Ehrenberg Scholarship in 2010.

Academic Publications

E Ward, J Romaniuk, G Trinh, J Dawes, V Beal (2023), How to signal product variety on pack: an investigation of color and image cues, International Journal of Market Research, 14707853231201852

E Ward, S Yang, J Romaniuk, V Beal (2020), Building a unique brand identity: Measuring the relative ownership potential of brand identity element types, Journal of Brand Management 27, 393-407

Ward, E., et al. (2016), ‘Mapping the structure of brand identity element links in consumer memory’, EMAC, Oslo, Norway.

Ward, E., et al. (2015), ‘Evaluating the competitive intensity of brand identity element types.’, ANZMAC, Sydney, Australia.

Ward, E., et al. (2012), ‘Does the move to self-serve checkouts mean the end of impulse buying? What should retails and manufactures do?‘, ANZMAC. Adelaide.

Romaniuk, R. and Ward, E., (forthcoming) ‘Core Metrics – Uniqueness’ in Building Distinctive Brand Assets. Ed. J. Romaniuk. Oxford University Press: South Melbourne.


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