17th of October 2019

Published by Expres See original article

Stop giving money to Mares, Slovaks and others, it does not make sense, the expert advises

Influencer. In many years, the term that many people have great difficulty in pronouncing has been declining in all cases. Young children no longer want to be a doctor, an astronaut, or a footballer, longing for an “career” of an influencer. However, according to Australian expert Jenni Romaniuk, who runs the world’s largest brand marketing research centre, companies that appeal to and bet on influencers throw money through the window. Working with them brings nothing.

“The first reason is that you have no control what they say. The second is that although they have a large audience, you need to realize how many brands they promote. There are a number of them, and your business will be just one of many.” said Australian Jenni Romaniuk in an interview with Hospodářské noviny.

It is the world’s leading marketing research centre for the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, sponsored by major companies such as Coca-Cola and Facebook.

“Moreover, influencers primarily present themselves. They move from one order to another. I therefore wonder how to get them to cooperate on a long-term basis. I do not see any added value in them and I do not recommend it.” added the marketing expert.

Read the full article on Expres.


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