1st of December 2018

Published by Warc See original article

To pre-test or not to pre-test?

The contentious issue of whether or not to pre-test ads is often based on emotional or financial arguments, but the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute has taken scientific approach to assess the merits of the practice.

“You have to make the choice of whether you spend your limited budgets on it, or not,” Professor Rachel Kennedy, director of product development at the Institute, told the recent MSIX conference in Sydney.

“It’s often an emotional discussion, but everyone benefits if we can just look at the evidence.” (For more, read WARC’s report: Ehrenberg-Bass on the science of pre-testing campaigns.)

She reported a lack of consistent evidence that traditional pre-testing measures are able to reliably predict sales outcomes. “There are definitely some better techniques than others so you’ll need to take that into consideration,” she added.

Read the full article on Warc.


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