Chinese Lexicon


Investigators: Dr Armando Maria Corsi, Dr Justin Cohen, Prof. Larry Lockshin

The Chinese Lexicon project provides an overview of the sensory preferences of an average wine drinker in China and their ability to articulate their taste preferences. The research identifies the manner in which Chinese wine drinkers describe wine using generic (i.e. sweet, dry) and specific (i.e. strawberry, blueberry, citrus) taste descriptors in both a Western and Chinese context. Brands can use this research to translate their tasting notes and associated collateral into a more Chinese-friendly manner when engaging with novice Chinese wine drinkers or drinkers with little exposure to the Western world.

Read more: Chinese Lexicon Project

Media: ‘Aussie wine with ‘hints of smoked sausage’ bound for Chinese market – SBS News Australia

Video: Learn how the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science utilises its research to make transformational changes to the wine industry in China. Watch the video.


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