They came, they liked, and they buy when they go home: Harnessing inbound tourists for wine export


Investigators: Assoc. Prof. Richard Lee, Prof. Larry Lockshin, Dr Armando Maria Corsi,  Dr Justin Cohen

This project demonstrates that targeting tourists while they are physically in Australia can enhance exports by converting the tourists into long-term Australian wine fans and word-of-mouth ambassadors. Tourists may use their positive tourism experience to form their image of Australian wine, especially at wine-congruent locations such as vineyards and restaurants. Exposing them to Australian wine while on tour also make them more likely to purchase Australian wine when they return home. The approach in essence is a strategy to give Australian wine exporters direct access to consumers, which is otherwise difficult to do as wine are primarily sold through third party distributors and retailers who also sell wine from competing countries.

Read more: Wine Tourism Project


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